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Energy Management System according to ISO 50001 in practice

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We invite you to a two-day training where you will familiarize yourself with the principles of operating Energy Management Systems according to ISO 50001. Experienced trainers will explain how to prepare your organization for the implementation and certification of an energy management system.

Czas trwania:2 dniCena:1.900 ,00 zł netto/ osoba (2.337,00 zł brutto/ osoba)Cena obejmuje:udział w szkoleniu, profesjonalne materiały szkoleniowe, poczęstunek i obiad, certyfikat/ zaświadczenie o ukończeniu szkolenia,Poziom:Poziom średnio-zaawansowany. Nie ma żadnych formalnych wymogów, jednakże zalecane jest, aby uczestnicy mieli ukończone szkolenie „Wprowadzenie do Systemu Zarządzania Energią według ISO 50001”.Kontakt:iwona.pula@enms.plTelefon:533 346 343Share

With the participation of a larger number of individuals from one company, we provide favorable discounts. The training can also be conducted as an in-house training for employees of a specific organization, at a convenient time for the company.

During the training, the participants will be introduced to and discuss the activities and documentation necessary to meet the requirements of ISO 50001. They will learn how to effectively implement and maintain an Energy Management System (EnMS) and harness its potential for improving energy efficiency and reducing costs. The combination of theory, exercises, and practical examples will enable participants to acquire the skills and competencies needed for the successful implementation of energy management systems.

Next training date: 11-12 July 2023

Training objectives:
  • Description of the principles of Energy Management Systems operation
  • Familiarization with the methodology of preparing documents and records required by EnMS
  • Understanding the methods for preparing Energy Reviews, establishing Energy Performance Indicators (EPIs), and Baseline Energy
  • Energy Planning – goals, tasks, and plans
  • Understanding the methods for preparing monitoring plans and measurement and savings verification methods
The training is dedicated to:
  • Top-level management
  • Energy Management System Coordinators
  • Implementation team members of the EnMS
  • Quality and Environmental Managers
  • Employees responsible for improving energy efficiency
  • Consultants
  • Internal and external auditors responsible for business continuity audit practices
  • Anyone interested in deepening their knowledge and skills
Training outline:
  • Principles of Energy Management Systems according to ISO 50001
  • Integration of Energy Management Systems with existing management systems in the organization (Quality, Occupational Health and Safety, Environment, etc.)
  • Preparation of the organization for the implementation, maintenance, and certification of Energy Management Systems
  • Documentation required by ISO 50001 – theory and practical examples of creation
  • Assessment of compliance with legal and other requirements that the organization has committed to comply with
  • Determination of the scope and boundaries of the EnMS
  • Documentation of decisions regarding the communication of information about the EnMS externally
  • Energy Policy
  • Baseline Energy, Energy Performance Indicators
  • Goals, tasks, and action plans
  • Supervision of documentation and records
  • Monitoring, measurement, and analysis of relevant EnMS variables
  • Internal audits. Non-conformities – classification, root cause analysis. Corrective and preventive actions.
  • Management Reviews
  • Certification audit
  • Written exam in the form of a test
Methods used during the training:
  • Presentation
  • Discussion
  • Case analysis
  • Group exercises

Testimonials from participants:

Piotr Wróbel: “Another participation in a training organized by EnMS Polska allowed me to consolidate and expand my knowledge of ISO 50001. The abundance of practical knowledge helped me better understand the discussed topics, which is why I can recommend these trainings once again.”

Jacek Pogocki: “The training where it was difficult to ‘stump’ the trainer 😊 The knowledge gained will be used to promote energy-efficient management in the facility.”

By applying for the training, you accept its terms and conditions.

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